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New Mazda Vehicles are Waiting for you in Mississauga

If you’re in the market for a new Mazda vehicle including a Mazda3 sedan or Sport hatchback, a Mazda CX-50 compact sport utility vehicle or a three-row Mazda CX-90, 401 Dixie Mazda is the perfect place to start. Regardless of which Mazda vehicle you’re interested in, we have it in stock in the colour and version you want. 

Come to 401 Dixie Mazda today in Mississauga and find out everything you want to know about the new Mazda vehicle lineup. At 401 Dixie Mazda, we believe in providing unmatched customer support and service, and we will help you find the perfect new Mazda.

Discover the new Mazda3 With All-Wheel Drive

At 401 Dixie Mazda, our team helps you get all the information you’re looking for on the brand-new and completely redesigned Mazda3. Featuring a host of features and unique technologies, the new Mazda3 is one of the most fuel-efficient and safe compact vehicles on the road. And now, the Mazda3 is available as both a hatchback and sedan with all-wheel drive which will make taking on winter a lot more enjoyable. 

We also offer our clients a wide range of new Mazda CX-70 models along with the sporty and legendary Mazda MX-5. Thanks to their efficient SKYACTIV engines, Mazda sedans and hatchbacks provide their owners with the power they want and the fuel economy they will appreciate. Come test drive Mazda’s lineup of brand-new vehicles today at 401 Dixie Mazda. We are looking forward to meeting you. 

A Wide Range of new Mazda SUVs at 401 Dixie Mazda

Looking for space that doesn’t come at the expense of fuel economy? Mazda’s new SUV lineup has the vehicle you’re looking for. Come to 401 Dixie Mazda today and check out our impressive inventory of brand-new Mazda vehicles starting with the redesigned Mazda CX-50. For even more versatility, the Mazda CX-90 is sure to answer all of your needs while the redesigned Mazda CX-30 is the perfect urban SUV for Mazda families.

Come check out the brand-new redesigned Mazda lineup today at 401 Dixie Mazda.